~ Orders of magnitude (length)
Survey effects of scale motions with pioneer and voyager type robots, effects of gravity over distence. Probes targeted towards and opposition, to measure velocities and resistences.
Survey effects of scale motions with pioneer and voyager type robots, effects of gravity over distence. Probes targeted towards and opposition, to measure velocities and resistences.
+ - i
Algebraic form (homogeneous polynomial), which generalises quadratic forms to degrees 3 and more, also known as quantics or simply forms
Bilinear form, on a vector space V over a field F is a mapping V × V → F that is linear in both arguments
Differential form, a concept from differential topology that combines multi linear forms and smooth functions
Indeterminate form, an algebraic expression that cannot be used to evaluate a limit
Modular form, a (complex) analytic function on the upper half plane satisfying a certain kind of functional equation and growth condition
Multilinear form, which generalises bilinear forms to mappings VN → F
Quadratic form, a homogeneous polynomial of degree two in a number of variables
Substantial form
Theory of Forms
Value-form, an approach to understanding the origins of commodity trade and the formation of markets.
+ - i
The Deep Green concept is an innovative approach to using simulation to support ongoing military operations while they are being conducted. The basic approach is to maintain a state-space graph of possible future states. Software agents use information on the trajectory of the ongoing operation, vice a priori staff estimates as to how the battle might unfold, as well as simulation technologies, to assess the likelihood of reaching some set of possible future states. The likelihood, utility, and flexibility of possible future nodes in the state space graph are computed and evaluated to focus the planning efforts. This notion is called anticipatory planning and involves the generation of options (either manual or semi-automated) ahead of "real time," before the options are needed. In addition, the Deep Green concept provides mechanisms for adaptive execution, which can be described as "late binding," or choosing a branch in the state space graph at the last moment to maintain flexibility. By using information acquired from the ongoing operation, rather than assumptions made during the planning phase, commanders and staffs can make more informed choices and focus on building options for futures that are becoming more likely.
The Deep Learning program will discover and instantiate in a learning machine (Deep Learning System) a single set of methods that, when applied repeatedly across multiple layers of the machine, yield more useful representations of audio/visual, sensor, and language information, using less labeled data more efficiently than any existing technologies.
The Deep Learning program aims to revolutionize machine learning by creating a new class of learning machines that overcome the computational limitations of current "shallow" learning machines. This will be done by building machines that can use many layers of processing in a manner that is, at least superficially, similar to that used by biological brains. The Deep Learning program will develop a Core Deep Learner that creates rich encodings of input data by using the same set of algorithms across multiple layers and will demonstrate that the Core Deep Learner can be applied successfully, and with little or no modification, to processing data from different modalities and application areas.
The Bootstrapped Learning program seeks to make instructable computing a reality. The "electronic student" will learn from a human teacher who uses spoken language, gestures, demonstration, and many other methods one would find in a human mentored relationship. Furthermore, it will build upon learned concepts and apply that knowledge across different fields of study.
Embedding BL technology in computing systems will eliminate the need for trained programmers in many practical settings, significantly accelerating human-machine instruction, and making possible on-the-fly upgrades by domain experts rather than computer experts. Target applications include a variety of field-trainable military systems, such as human-instructable unmanned aerial vehicles. However, BL technology is being developed and tested against a portfolio of training tasks across very diverse domains, thus it can be applied to any programmable, automated system. As such systems have become ubiquitous, and their operation inaccessible to the layperson, there is also the strong prospect of societal adoption and benefit.
Deep Green is a next-generation, commander-centered battle command and decision support technology that interleaves anticipatory planning with adaptive execution to help the commander think ahead, identify when a plan is going awry, and prepare options - before they are needed.
Effective battlespace representations for Deep Green must enable practical and tractable reasoning by software agents. In particular, the generation of a state-space representation from current operational data is particularly challenging. Deep Green must be able to use data and information fusion to dynamically create and update representations of the current battle space. Deep Green will then use these representations to predict the "trajectory" of the operation and inform the commander of impending decision points, parts of the plan that need additional options generated, and parts of the plan that are no longer feasible.
Deep Green will involve the use of software agents to analyze the current operation against the plan and to look far ahead in time for the commander to create possible courses of action. These "execution monitors" must be capable of reasoning over the state space to evaluate the actions of the various participants, evaluate the utility and likelihood of actions, and prune the state space representation where possible. Most of this kind of agent technology has proven effective in constrained problem spaces, but must be hardened and scaled to support a real battlespace.
Finally learning algorithms must be developed and enhanced to allow Deep Green to become a better predictor over time. Technologies such as linguistic geometry and episodic memory must be employed to create robust learning algorithms suited for battlefield use. Many of these technologies must be extended to encompass the intractable nature of the modern battlefield as they have been demonstrated in more "well behaved" domains. The domain for Deep Blue, the game of chess, for instance, is well known, the interactions are unambiguously defined, the consequences of any single action are deterministic, etc.
The basic system architecture is comprised of the Commander's Associate (with three sub-components, the Sketch to Plan, Automated Options Generation, and the Sketch to Decide), SimPath, and Crystal Ball, as shown in the figure below.
Sketch to Plan:
The Commander's Associate has two major sub-components, Sketch to Plan and Sketch to Decide. Commander's Associate will automatically convert the commander's hand-drawn sketch with accompanying speech of his intent into a Course of Action (COA) at the brigade level. The Commander's Associate must facilitate option generation, "what-if" drills, and rapid decision making. In addition, the Commander's Associate will present information to the commander in a way that aids in battlefield visualization and cognition.
+ - Yellow Pilot
HSCB programs are organized into four capabilities, each set feeding into the next and forming a cycle.
+ -Capabilities to support thorough perception and comprehension, grounded in social and behavioral science, of the sociocultural features and dynamics in an operational environment.
The cycle begins with the need to frame the sociocultural structure and dynamics of behavior in a given operational context. To understand at this level means bringing sociocultural theory and concepts to bear to identify the sociocultural features of the terrain that are important to monitor. Understanding is not a single event, and users may constantly need to adapt the initially-applied theories, concepts, and consequent features based on the results of detecting, forecasting, and mitigation. This then initiates a new cycle. This step spans all levels - tactical, operational, and strategic. It requires applied social and behavioral science theory, access to baseline sociocultural data for any given region, descriptive models, and linguistic and sociocultural training.
Capabilities to discover, distinguish, and locate operationally relevant sociocultural signatures through the collection, processing, and analysis of sociocultural behavior data.
Once the defining features of the sociocultural setting are understood, the next steps are to develop a persistent capability to detect sociocultural behavior signals of interest amidst complexity and noise, and to harvest data for analysis. This entails capabilities for ISR in the area of sociocultural behavior (referred to here as a "social radar"), with particular focus on the challenges associated with open source data collection. It also requires robust systems for storing and managing that data, and tools enabling timely, dynamic analysis.
Capabilities for tracking and forecasting change in entities and phenomena of interest along multiple dimensions (time, space, social networks, types of behavior, etc.) through persistent sensing and modeling of the environment.
Armed with historical and real-time data, users can take the next step: to forecast alternative plausible futures by extrapolating from the collected data. The goals are to identify the various paths that behaviors of interest could take, and to estimate the consequences of each for populations of interest. Among the most important needs in this step are large amounts of data, multidisciplinary theory, and hybrid modeling.
Capabilities to develop, prioritize, execute, and measure COAs grounded in the social and behavioral sciences.
The final step in the cycle is to develop and measure the effects of alternative COAs for achieving desired changes. This step builds on all the foregoing ones, and should assist in updating U.S. forces' understanding of the sociocultural behavior terrain, thus continuing the cycle. This step requires education in the use of models for robust decision making, strategic-level theory, integrated systems, decision space visualization, and agile data collection.
Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment (SMA)
National Science Foundation's Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
Air Force Office of Scientific Research Collective Behavior and Socio-Cultural Modeling
Air Force Research Laboratory Human Effectiveness Directorate (RH)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI) Learning and Operating in Culturally Unfamiliar Settings (LOCUS)
U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL)
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC)
Office of Naval Research (ONR) Affordable Human Behavior Modeling (AHBM)
~ + -
+ - ~ 21st century
Survey effects of scale motions with pioneer and voyager type robots, effects of gravity over distence. Probes targeted towards and opposition, to measure velocities and resistences.
+ - i
Algebraic form (homogeneous polynomial), which generalises quadratic forms to degrees 3 and more, also known as quantics or simply forms
Bilinear form, on a vector space V over a field F is a mapping V × V → F that is linear in both arguments
Differential form, a concept from differential topology that combines multi linear forms and smooth functions
Indeterminate form, an algebraic expression that cannot be used to evaluate a limit
Modular form, a (complex) analytic function on the upper half plane satisfying a certain kind of functional equation and growth condition
Multilinear form, which generalises bilinear forms to mappings VN → F
Quadratic form, a homogeneous polynomial of degree two in a number of variables
Substantial form
Theory of Forms
Value-form, an approach to understanding the origins of commodity trade and the formation of markets.
+ - i
The Deep Green concept is an innovative approach to using simulation to support ongoing military operations while they are being conducted. The basic approach is to maintain a state-space graph of possible future states. Software agents use information on the trajectory of the ongoing operation, vice a priori staff estimates as to how the battle might unfold, as well as simulation technologies, to assess the likelihood of reaching some set of possible future states. The likelihood, utility, and flexibility of possible future nodes in the state space graph are computed and evaluated to focus the planning efforts. This notion is called anticipatory planning and involves the generation of options (either manual or semi-automated) ahead of "real time," before the options are needed. In addition, the Deep Green concept provides mechanisms for adaptive execution, which can be described as "late binding," or choosing a branch in the state space graph at the last moment to maintain flexibility. By using information acquired from the ongoing operation, rather than assumptions made during the planning phase, commanders and staffs can make more informed choices and focus on building options for futures that are becoming more likely.
The Deep Learning program will discover and instantiate in a learning machine (Deep Learning System) a single set of methods that, when applied repeatedly across multiple layers of the machine, yield more useful representations of audio/visual, sensor, and language information, using less labeled data more efficiently than any existing technologies.
The Deep Learning program aims to revolutionize machine learning by creating a new class of learning machines that overcome the computational limitations of current "shallow" learning machines. This will be done by building machines that can use many layers of processing in a manner that is, at least superficially, similar to that used by biological brains. The Deep Learning program will develop a Core Deep Learner that creates rich encodings of input data by using the same set of algorithms across multiple layers and will demonstrate that the Core Deep Learner can be applied successfully, and with little or no modification, to processing data from different modalities and application areas.
The Bootstrapped Learning program seeks to make instructable computing a reality. The "electronic student" will learn from a human teacher who uses spoken language, gestures, demonstration, and many other methods one would find in a human mentored relationship. Furthermore, it will build upon learned concepts and apply that knowledge across different fields of study.
Embedding BL technology in computing systems will eliminate the need for trained programmers in many practical settings, significantly accelerating human-machine instruction, and making possible on-the-fly upgrades by domain experts rather than computer experts. Target applications include a variety of field-trainable military systems, such as human-instructable unmanned aerial vehicles. However, BL technology is being developed and tested against a portfolio of training tasks across very diverse domains, thus it can be applied to any programmable, automated system. As such systems have become ubiquitous, and their operation inaccessible to the layperson, there is also the strong prospect of societal adoption and benefit.
Deep Green is a next-generation, commander-centered battle command and decision support technology that interleaves anticipatory planning with adaptive execution to help the commander think ahead, identify when a plan is going awry, and prepare options - before they are needed.
Effective battlespace representations for Deep Green must enable practical and tractable reasoning by software agents. In particular, the generation of a state-space representation from current operational data is particularly challenging. Deep Green must be able to use data and information fusion to dynamically create and update representations of the current battle space. Deep Green will then use these representations to predict the "trajectory" of the operation and inform the commander of impending decision points, parts of the plan that need additional options generated, and parts of the plan that are no longer feasible.
Deep Green will involve the use of software agents to analyze the current operation against the plan and to look far ahead in time for the commander to create possible courses of action. These "execution monitors" must be capable of reasoning over the state space to evaluate the actions of the various participants, evaluate the utility and likelihood of actions, and prune the state space representation where possible. Most of this kind of agent technology has proven effective in constrained problem spaces, but must be hardened and scaled to support a real battlespace.
Finally learning algorithms must be developed and enhanced to allow Deep Green to become a better predictor over time. Technologies such as linguistic geometry and episodic memory must be employed to create robust learning algorithms suited for battlefield use. Many of these technologies must be extended to encompass the intractable nature of the modern battlefield as they have been demonstrated in more "well behaved" domains. The domain for Deep Blue, the game of chess, for instance, is well known, the interactions are unambiguously defined, the consequences of any single action are deterministic, etc.
The basic system architecture is comprised of the Commander's Associate (with three sub-components, the Sketch to Plan, Automated Options Generation, and the Sketch to Decide), SimPath, and Crystal Ball, as shown in the figure below.
Sketch to Plan:
The Commander's Associate has two major sub-components, Sketch to Plan and Sketch to Decide. Commander's Associate will automatically convert the commander's hand-drawn sketch with accompanying speech of his intent into a Course of Action (COA) at the brigade level. The Commander's Associate must facilitate option generation, "what-if" drills, and rapid decision making. In addition, the Commander's Associate will present information to the commander in a way that aids in battlefield visualization and cognition.
+ - Yellow Pilot
HSCB programs are organized into four capabilities, each set feeding into the next and forming a cycle.
+ -Capabilities to support thorough perception and comprehension, grounded in social and behavioral science, of the sociocultural features and dynamics in an operational environment.
The cycle begins with the need to frame the sociocultural structure and dynamics of behavior in a given operational context. To understand at this level means bringing sociocultural theory and concepts to bear to identify the sociocultural features of the terrain that are important to monitor. Understanding is not a single event, and users may constantly need to adapt the initially-applied theories, concepts, and consequent features based on the results of detecting, forecasting, and mitigation. This then initiates a new cycle. This step spans all levels - tactical, operational, and strategic. It requires applied social and behavioral science theory, access to baseline sociocultural data for any given region, descriptive models, and linguistic and sociocultural training.
Capabilities to discover, distinguish, and locate operationally relevant sociocultural signatures through the collection, processing, and analysis of sociocultural behavior data.
Once the defining features of the sociocultural setting are understood, the next steps are to develop a persistent capability to detect sociocultural behavior signals of interest amidst complexity and noise, and to harvest data for analysis. This entails capabilities for ISR in the area of sociocultural behavior (referred to here as a "social radar"), with particular focus on the challenges associated with open source data collection. It also requires robust systems for storing and managing that data, and tools enabling timely, dynamic analysis.
Capabilities for tracking and forecasting change in entities and phenomena of interest along multiple dimensions (time, space, social networks, types of behavior, etc.) through persistent sensing and modeling of the environment.
Armed with historical and real-time data, users can take the next step: to forecast alternative plausible futures by extrapolating from the collected data. The goals are to identify the various paths that behaviors of interest could take, and to estimate the consequences of each for populations of interest. Among the most important needs in this step are large amounts of data, multidisciplinary theory, and hybrid modeling.
Capabilities to develop, prioritize, execute, and measure COAs grounded in the social and behavioral sciences.
The final step in the cycle is to develop and measure the effects of alternative COAs for achieving desired changes. This step builds on all the foregoing ones, and should assist in updating U.S. forces' understanding of the sociocultural behavior terrain, thus continuing the cycle. This step requires education in the use of models for robust decision making, strategic-level theory, integrated systems, decision space visualization, and agile data collection.
Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment (SMA)
National Science Foundation's Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
Air Force Office of Scientific Research Collective Behavior and Socio-Cultural Modeling
Air Force Research Laboratory Human Effectiveness Directorate (RH)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI) Learning and Operating in Culturally Unfamiliar Settings (LOCUS)
U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL)
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC)
Office of Naval Research (ONR) Affordable Human Behavior Modeling (AHBM)
~ + -
Commander's Associate:
This component provides the commander the ability to generate quickly qualitative, coarse-grained COA sketches that the computer can interpret. Sketch to Plan will be multi-modal (both sketching and speech) and interactive. The computer will watch the sketch being drawn and listen for key words that indicate sequence, time, intent, etc. as the commander is creating the sketch. Sketch to Plan will induce both a plan and the commander's intent from the sketch and speech. The Sketch to Plan component must be imbued with enough domain knowledge that it knows what it doesn't know and can ask the user a small set of clarifying questions until it understands the sketch and can use it to initialize a combat model. Finally, the dialog generator helps Sketch to Plan understand the commander's option by formulating clarifying questions when necessary.
~ - i
+ - i
Strong AI is artificial intelligence that matches or exceeds human intelligence — the intelligence of a machine that can successfully perform any intellectual task that a human being can.[1] It is a primary goal of artificial intelligence research and an important topic for science fiction writers and futurists. Strong AI is also referred to as "artificial general intelligence"[2] or as the ability to perform "general intelligent action".[3] Science fiction associates strong AI with such human traits as consciousness, sentience, sapience and self-awareness.
Some references emphasize a distinction between strong AI and "applied AI"[4] (also called "narrow AI"[1] or "weak AI"[5]): the use of software to study or accomplish specific problem solving or reasoning tasks that do not encompass (or in some cases are completely outside of) the full range of human cognitive abilities.
What's a Bot?
In short: A bot is a software tool for digging through data. You give a bot directions and it bring back answers. The word is short for robot of course, which is derived from the Czech word robota meaning work.The idea of robots as humanoid machines was first introduced in Karel Capek's 1921 play "R.U.R.," where the playwright conceived Rossum's Universal Robots. Sci-fi writer Isaac Asimov made them famous, beginning with his story I, Robot (1950) and continuing through a string of books known as the Robot Series (see the Isaac Asimov FAQ - for more details including "The Three Laws of Robotics").
Algebraic form (homogeneous polynomial), which generalises quadratic forms to degrees 3 and more, also known as quantics or simply forms
Bilinear form, on a vector space V over a field F is a mapping V × V → F that is linear in both arguments
Differential form, a concept from differential topology that combines multi linear forms and smooth functions
Indeterminate form, an algebraic expression that cannot be used to evaluate a limit
Modular form, a (complex) analytic function on the upper half plane satisfying a certain kind of functional equation and growth condition
Multilinear form, which generalises bilinear forms to mappings VN → F
Quadratic form, a homogeneous polynomial of degree two in a number of variables
Substantial form
Theory of Forms
Value-form, an approach to understanding the origins of commodity trade and the formation of markets.
~ > Blog > Never-ending-image-learner
Automated Option Generation:
The focus of Deep Green is on tools to help the commander (and staff) generate options quickly. Leaders from the field generally do not want machine-generated courses of action. Nevertheless, under Deep Green, we intend to sponsor a small set of modest efforts to generate options automatically. The long-term vision of Deep Green is for options to be generated by both the commander and the computer. This highlights the need for Sketch to Plan to induce the commander's intent from the free-hand sketches. Any options generated by the computer should feasibly meet the commander's intent.
+ -
APP-6ASymbol | Name | Strength | Constituent units | Commander or leader |
XXXXXX | region, theater | 1,000,000+ | 4+ army groups | general, army general, five star general or field marshal |
XXXXX | army group, front | 250,000+ | 2+ armies | general, army general, five star general or field marshal |
XXXX | army | 60,000–100,000+ | 2–4 corps | general, army general, four star general or colonel general |
XXX | corps | 30,000–80,000 | 2+ divisions | lieutenant general, corps general or three star general |
XX | division | 10,000–20,000 | 2–4 brigades or regiments | major general, divisional general or two star general |
X | brigade | 2000–5000 | 2+ regiments, 3–6 battalions or Commonwealth regiments | brigadier general, brigade general, or one star general(sometimes colonel) |
III | regiment or group | 2000–3000 | 2+ battalions or U.S. Cavalry squadrons | colonel |
II | infantry battalion, U.S. Cavalry squadron, or Commonwealth armoured regiment | 300–1000 | 2–6 companies, batteries, U.S. Cavalry troops, or Commonwealth squadrons | lieutenant colonel |
I | infantry company, artillery battery, U.S. Cavalrytroop, or Commonwealth armour or combat engineering squadron | 70–250 | 2–8 platoons or Commonwealth troops | chief warrant officer, captain ormajor |
••• | platoon or Commonwealth troop | 25–60 | 2+ squads, sections, or vehicles | warrant officer, first or secondlieutenant |
•• | section or patrol | 8–12 | 2+ fireteams | corporal to sergeant |
• | squad or crew | 8–16 | 2+ fireteams or 1+ cell | corporal to staff sergeant |
Ø | fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø | fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
XX |
X |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
regiment or group |
II |
I |
infantry company, artillery battery, U.S. Cavalrytroop, or Commonwealth armour or combat engineering squadron |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
••• |
•• |
• |
squad or crew |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
Sketch to Decide:
When the commander is asked for a decision, Sketch to Decide will allow him/her to explore the future space to gain an appreciation for the ramifications of a choice. Sketch to Decide is designed to allow the user to "see the future," but this capability must be developed with care to prevent confusing the decision space. The abstract nature of the state and the uncertainty of predictions, locations of units, etc. must be portrayed intuitively. At any "frame" in the Sketch to Decide graph, the user can perform Sketch to Plan actions, allowing the commander to conduct "what-if" drills wherever he wants in the future space. By presenting decisions early and allowing the commander to explore the future space, Sketch to Decide supports adaptive execution, allowing the commander to make decisions when they are needed, rather than committing too early.
XX |
X |
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
SimPath is the simulation component of Deep Green. It is used to generate the possible futures that result from a set of plans (one plan for each side/force in the operation). Besides being very fast, SimPath is designed to generate a broad set of possible futures. These futures should be feasible, even if not expected by human users. Over time, SimPath should learn to be a better predictor of possible futures, based on presented options. SimPath identifies branch points, predicts the range of possible outcomes, predicts the likelihood of each outcome, and then continues to simulate along each path/trajectory. This will require an innovative hybrid of qualitative and quantitative technologies.
~ Ball:
During pre-operations planning, Crystal Ball receives options from Sketch to Plan for all sides and forces. Crystal ball assembles the permutations of plans and sends them to SimPath to generate the possible futures that result from each permutation. SimPath returns sub-graphs of possible futures and branch points to Crystal Ball with annotations as to SimPath's a priori estimate of the likelihood of these options. Another function of Crystal Ball is to merge these sub-graphs so the futures that are qualitatively the same (regardless of which permutation of options generated them) are combined. Once the operation is underway, Crystal Ball will get information about the ongoing operation from the battle command systems. Crystal Ball uses this information about the current operation to update the likelihood estimates of the many possible futures. Having done that, Crystal Ball can compare the likelihood, utility, and flexibility and estimate which futures are likely to occur that have little value or flexibility. Crystal Ball will use this estimate to nominate to the commander futures at which he/she should focus some planning effort to build additional options/branches. If the commander reaches a future for which no options have been developed, he/she has been surprised and the enemy is now operating inside his/her decision cycle. Crystal Ball will also use this information and additional heuristics to nominate futures for pruning from the graph and to identify decision points to send to Sketch to Decide. Pruning, however, will not be based purely on likelihood, but also on attributes such as risk to the operation.
+ - Spectrum
HSCB programs are organized into four capabilities, each set feeding into the next and forming a cycle.
+ -Capabilities to support thorough perception and comprehension, grounded in social and behavioral science, of the sociocultural features and dynamics in an operational environment.
The cycle begins with the need to frame the sociocultural structure and dynamics of behavior in a given operational context. To understand at this level means bringing sociocultural theory and concepts to bear to identify the sociocultural features of the terrain that are important to monitor. Understanding is not a single event, and users may constantly need to adapt the initially-applied theories, concepts, and consequent features based on the results of detecting, forecasting, and mitigation. This then initiates a new cycle. This step spans all levels - tactical, operational, and strategic. It requires applied social and behavioral science theory, access to baseline sociocultural data for any given region, descriptive models, and linguistic and sociocultural training.
Capabilities to discover, distinguish, and locate operationally relevant sociocultural signatures through the collection, processing, and analysis of sociocultural behavior data.
Once the defining features of the sociocultural setting are understood, the next steps are to develop a persistent capability to detect sociocultural behavior signals of interest amidst complexity and noise, and to harvest data for analysis. This entails capabilities for ISR in the area of sociocultural behavior (referred to here as a "social radar"), with particular focus on the challenges associated with open source data collection. It also requires robust systems for storing and managing that data, and tools enabling timely, dynamic analysis.
Capabilities for tracking and forecasting change in entities and phenomena of interest along multiple dimensions (time, space, social networks, types of behavior, etc.) through persistent sensing and modeling of the environment.
Armed with historical and real-time data, users can take the next step: to forecast alternative plausible futures by extrapolating from the collected data. The goals are to identify the various paths that behaviors of interest could take, and to estimate the consequences of each for populations of interest. Among the most important needs in this step are large amounts of data, multidisciplinary theory, and hybrid modeling.
Capabilities to develop, prioritize, execute, and measure COAs grounded in the social and behavioral sciences.
The final step in the cycle is to develop and measure the effects of alternative COAs for achieving desired changes. This step builds on all the foregoing ones, and should assist in updating U.S. forces' understanding of the sociocultural behavior terrain, thus continuing the cycle. This step requires education in the use of models for robust decision making, strategic-level theory, integrated systems, decision space visualization, and agile data collection.
Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment (SMA)
National Science Foundation's Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
Air Force Office of Scientific Research Collective Behavior and Socio-Cultural Modeling
Air Force Research Laboratory Human Effectiveness Directorate (RH)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI) Learning and Operating in Culturally Unfamiliar Settings (LOCUS)
U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL)
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC)
Office of Naval Research (ONR) Affordable Human Behavior Modeling (AHBM)
Test areas
~ Orders of magnitude (length)
~ Visualisation + - ~
Survey effects of scale motions with pioneer and voyager type robots, effects of gravity over distence. Probes targeted towards and opposition, to measure velocities and resistences.
+ -
APP-6ASymbol | Name | Strength | Constituent units | Commander or leader |
XXXXXX | region, theater | 1,000,000+ | 4+ army groups | general, army general, five star general or field marshal |
XXXXX | army group, front | 250,000+ | 2+ armies | general, army general, five star general or field marshal |
XXXX | army | 60,000–100,000+ | 2–4 corps | general, army general, four star general or colonel general |
XXX | corps | 30,000–80,000 | 2+ divisions | lieutenant general, corps general or three star general |
XX | division | 10,000–20,000 | 2–4 brigades or regiments | major general, divisional general or two star general |
X | brigade | 2000–5000 | 2+ regiments, 3–6 battalions or Commonwealth regiments | brigadier general, brigade general, or one star general(sometimes colonel) |
III | regiment or group | 2000–3000 | 2+ battalions or U.S. Cavalry squadrons | colonel |
II | infantry battalion, U.S. Cavalry squadron, or Commonwealth armoured regiment | 300–1000 | 2–6 companies, batteries, U.S. Cavalry troops, or Commonwealth squadrons | lieutenant colonel |
I | infantry company, artillery battery, U.S. Cavalrytroop, or Commonwealth armour or combat engineering squadron | 70–250 | 2–8 platoons or Commonwealth troops | chief warrant officer, captain ormajor |
••• | platoon or Commonwealth troop | 25–60 | 2+ squads, sections, or vehicles | warrant officer, first or secondlieutenant |
•• | section or patrol | 8–12 | 2+ fireteams | corporal to sergeant |
• | squad or crew | 8–16 | 2+ fireteams or 1+ cell | corporal to staff sergeant |
Ø | fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø | fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
XX |
X |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
regiment or group |
II |
I |
infantry company, artillery battery, U.S. Cavalrytroop, or Commonwealth armour or combat engineering squadron |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
••• |
•• |
• |
squad or crew |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
Commander's Associate:
This component provides the commander the ability to generate quickly qualitative, coarse-grained COA sketches that the computer can interpret. Sketch to Plan will be multi-modal (both sketching and speech) and interactive. The computer will watch the sketch being drawn and listen for key words that indicate sequence, time, intent, etc. as the commander is creating the sketch. Sketch to Plan will induce both a plan and the commander's intent from the sketch and speech. The Sketch to Plan component must be imbued with enough domain knowledge that it knows what it doesn't know and can ask the user a small set of clarifying questions until it understands the sketch and can use it to initialize a combat model. Finally, the dialog generator helps Sketch to Plan understand the commander's option by formulating clarifying questions when necessary.
~ - i
+ - i
Strong AI is artificial intelligence that matches or exceeds human intelligence — the intelligence of a machine that can successfully perform any intellectual task that a human being can.[1] It is a primary goal of artificial intelligence research and an important topic for science fiction writers and futurists. Strong AI is also referred to as "artificial general intelligence"[2] or as the ability to perform "general intelligent action".[3] Science fiction associates strong AI with such human traits as consciousness, sentience, sapience and self-awareness.
Some references emphasize a distinction between strong AI and "applied AI"[4] (also called "narrow AI"[1] or "weak AI"[5]): the use of software to study or accomplish specific problem solving or reasoning tasks that do not encompass (or in some cases are completely outside of) the full range of human cognitive abilities.
What's a Bot?
In short: A bot is a software tool for digging through data. You give a bot directions and it bring back answers. The word is short for robot of course, which is derived from the Czech word robota meaning work.The idea of robots as humanoid machines was first introduced in Karel Capek's 1921 play "R.U.R.," where the playwright conceived Rossum's Universal Robots. Sci-fi writer Isaac Asimov made them famous, beginning with his story I, Robot (1950) and continuing through a string of books known as the Robot Series (see the Isaac Asimov FAQ - for more details including "The Three Laws of Robotics").
Algebraic form (homogeneous polynomial), which generalises quadratic forms to degrees 3 and more, also known as quantics or simply forms
Bilinear form, on a vector space V over a field F is a mapping V × V → F that is linear in both arguments
Differential form, a concept from differential topology that combines multi linear forms and smooth functions
Indeterminate form, an algebraic expression that cannot be used to evaluate a limit
Modular form, a (complex) analytic function on the upper half plane satisfying a certain kind of functional equation and growth condition
Multilinear form, which generalises bilinear forms to mappings VN → F
Quadratic form, a homogeneous polynomial of degree two in a number of variables
Substantial form
Theory of Forms
Value-form, an approach to understanding the origins of commodity trade and the formation of markets.
~ > Blog > Never-ending-image-learner
Automated Option Generation:
The focus of Deep Green is on tools to help the commander (and staff) generate options quickly. Leaders from the field generally do not want machine-generated courses of action. Nevertheless, under Deep Green, we intend to sponsor a small set of modest efforts to generate options automatically. The long-term vision of Deep Green is for options to be generated by both the commander and the computer. This highlights the need for Sketch to Plan to induce the commander's intent from the free-hand sketches. Any options generated by the computer should feasibly meet the commander's intent.
+ -
APP-6ASymbol | Name | Strength | Constituent units | Commander or leader |
XXXXXX | region, theater | 1,000,000+ | 4+ army groups | general, army general, five star general or field marshal |
XXXXX | army group, front | 250,000+ | 2+ armies | general, army general, five star general or field marshal |
XXXX | army | 60,000–100,000+ | 2–4 corps | general, army general, four star general or colonel general |
XXX | corps | 30,000–80,000 | 2+ divisions | lieutenant general, corps general or three star general |
XX | division | 10,000–20,000 | 2–4 brigades or regiments | major general, divisional general or two star general |
X | brigade | 2000–5000 | 2+ regiments, 3–6 battalions or Commonwealth regiments | brigadier general, brigade general, or one star general(sometimes colonel) |
III | regiment or group | 2000–3000 | 2+ battalions or U.S. Cavalry squadrons | colonel |
II | infantry battalion, U.S. Cavalry squadron, or Commonwealth armoured regiment | 300–1000 | 2–6 companies, batteries, U.S. Cavalry troops, or Commonwealth squadrons | lieutenant colonel |
I | infantry company, artillery battery, U.S. Cavalrytroop, or Commonwealth armour or combat engineering squadron | 70–250 | 2–8 platoons or Commonwealth troops | chief warrant officer, captain ormajor |
••• | platoon or Commonwealth troop | 25–60 | 2+ squads, sections, or vehicles | warrant officer, first or secondlieutenant |
•• | section or patrol | 8–12 | 2+ fireteams | corporal to sergeant |
• | squad or crew | 8–16 | 2+ fireteams or 1+ cell | corporal to staff sergeant |
Ø | fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø | fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
XX |
X |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
regiment or group |
II |
I |
infantry company, artillery battery, U.S. Cavalrytroop, or Commonwealth armour or combat engineering squadron |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
••• |
•• |
• |
squad or crew |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
Sketch to Decide:
When the commander is asked for a decision, Sketch to Decide will allow him/her to explore the future space to gain an appreciation for the ramifications of a choice. Sketch to Decide is designed to allow the user to "see the future," but this capability must be developed with care to prevent confusing the decision space. The abstract nature of the state and the uncertainty of predictions, locations of units, etc. must be portrayed intuitively. At any "frame" in the Sketch to Decide graph, the user can perform Sketch to Plan actions, allowing the commander to conduct "what-if" drills wherever he wants in the future space. By presenting decisions early and allowing the commander to explore the future space, Sketch to Decide supports adaptive execution, allowing the commander to make decisions when they are needed, rather than committing too early.
XX |
X |
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ - ~ 21st century
Survey effects of scale motions with pioneer and voyager type robots, effects of gravity over distence. Probes targeted towards and opposition, to measure velocities and resistences.
+ - i
Algebraic form (homogeneous polynomial), which generalises quadratic forms to degrees 3 and more, also known as quantics or simply forms
Bilinear form, on a vector space V over a field F is a mapping V × V → F that is linear in both arguments
Differential form, a concept from differential topology that combines multi linear forms and smooth functions
Indeterminate form, an algebraic expression that cannot be used to evaluate a limit
Modular form, a (complex) analytic function on the upper half plane satisfying a certain kind of functional equation and growth condition
Multilinear form, which generalises bilinear forms to mappings VN → F
Quadratic form, a homogeneous polynomial of degree two in a number of variables
Substantial form
Theory of Forms
Value-form, an approach to understanding the origins of commodity trade and the formation of markets.
+ - i
The Deep Green concept is an innovative approach to using simulation to support ongoing military operations while they are being conducted. The basic approach is to maintain a state-space graph of possible future states. Software agents use information on the trajectory of the ongoing operation, vice a priori staff estimates as to how the battle might unfold, as well as simulation technologies, to assess the likelihood of reaching some set of possible future states. The likelihood, utility, and flexibility of possible future nodes in the state space graph are computed and evaluated to focus the planning efforts. This notion is called anticipatory planning and involves the generation of options (either manual or semi-automated) ahead of "real time," before the options are needed. In addition, the Deep Green concept provides mechanisms for adaptive execution, which can be described as "late binding," or choosing a branch in the state space graph at the last moment to maintain flexibility. By using information acquired from the ongoing operation, rather than assumptions made during the planning phase, commanders and staffs can make more informed choices and focus on building options for futures that are becoming more likely.
The Deep Learning program will discover and instantiate in a learning machine (Deep Learning System) a single set of methods that, when applied repeatedly across multiple layers of the machine, yield more useful representations of audio/visual, sensor, and language information, using less labeled data more efficiently than any existing technologies.
The Deep Learning program aims to revolutionize machine learning by creating a new class of learning machines that overcome the computational limitations of current "shallow" learning machines. This will be done by building machines that can use many layers of processing in a manner that is, at least superficially, similar to that used by biological brains. The Deep Learning program will develop a Core Deep Learner that creates rich encodings of input data by using the same set of algorithms across multiple layers and will demonstrate that the Core Deep Learner can be applied successfully, and with little or no modification, to processing data from different modalities and application areas.
The Bootstrapped Learning program seeks to make instructable computing a reality. The "electronic student" will learn from a human teacher who uses spoken language, gestures, demonstration, and many other methods one would find in a human mentored relationship. Furthermore, it will build upon learned concepts and apply that knowledge across different fields of study.
Embedding BL technology in computing systems will eliminate the need for trained programmers in many practical settings, significantly accelerating human-machine instruction, and making possible on-the-fly upgrades by domain experts rather than computer experts. Target applications include a variety of field-trainable military systems, such as human-instructable unmanned aerial vehicles. However, BL technology is being developed and tested against a portfolio of training tasks across very diverse domains, thus it can be applied to any programmable, automated system. As such systems have become ubiquitous, and their operation inaccessible to the layperson, there is also the strong prospect of societal adoption and benefit.
Deep Green is a next-generation, commander-centered battle command and decision support technology that interleaves anticipatory planning with adaptive execution to help the commander think ahead, identify when a plan is going awry, and prepare options - before they are needed.
Effective battlespace representations for Deep Green must enable practical and tractable reasoning by software agents. In particular, the generation of a state-space representation from current operational data is particularly challenging. Deep Green must be able to use data and information fusion to dynamically create and update representations of the current battle space. Deep Green will then use these representations to predict the "trajectory" of the operation and inform the commander of impending decision points, parts of the plan that need additional options generated, and parts of the plan that are no longer feasible.
Deep Green will involve the use of software agents to analyze the current operation against the plan and to look far ahead in time for the commander to create possible courses of action. These "execution monitors" must be capable of reasoning over the state space to evaluate the actions of the various participants, evaluate the utility and likelihood of actions, and prune the state space representation where possible. Most of this kind of agent technology has proven effective in constrained problem spaces, but must be hardened and scaled to support a real battlespace.
Finally learning algorithms must be developed and enhanced to allow Deep Green to become a better predictor over time. Technologies such as linguistic geometry and episodic memory must be employed to create robust learning algorithms suited for battlefield use. Many of these technologies must be extended to encompass the intractable nature of the modern battlefield as they have been demonstrated in more "well behaved" domains. The domain for Deep Blue, the game of chess, for instance, is well known, the interactions are unambiguously defined, the consequences of any single action are deterministic, etc.
The basic system architecture is comprised of the Commander's Associate (with three sub-components, the Sketch to Plan, Automated Options Generation, and the Sketch to Decide), SimPath, and Crystal Ball, as shown in the figure below.
Sketch to Plan:
The Commander's Associate has two major sub-components, Sketch to Plan and Sketch to Decide. Commander's Associate will automatically convert the commander's hand-drawn sketch with accompanying speech of his intent into a Course of Action (COA) at the brigade level. The Commander's Associate must facilitate option generation, "what-if" drills, and rapid decision making. In addition, the Commander's Associate will present information to the commander in a way that aids in battlefield visualization and cognition.
+ - Yellow Pilot
HSCB programs are organized into four capabilities, each set feeding into the next and forming a cycle.
+ -Capabilities to support thorough perception and comprehension, grounded in social and behavioral science, of the sociocultural features and dynamics in an operational environment.
The cycle begins with the need to frame the sociocultural structure and dynamics of behavior in a given operational context. To understand at this level means bringing sociocultural theory and concepts to bear to identify the sociocultural features of the terrain that are important to monitor. Understanding is not a single event, and users may constantly need to adapt the initially-applied theories, concepts, and consequent features based on the results of detecting, forecasting, and mitigation. This then initiates a new cycle. This step spans all levels - tactical, operational, and strategic. It requires applied social and behavioral science theory, access to baseline sociocultural data for any given region, descriptive models, and linguistic and sociocultural training.
Capabilities to discover, distinguish, and locate operationally relevant sociocultural signatures through the collection, processing, and analysis of sociocultural behavior data.
Once the defining features of the sociocultural setting are understood, the next steps are to develop a persistent capability to detect sociocultural behavior signals of interest amidst complexity and noise, and to harvest data for analysis. This entails capabilities for ISR in the area of sociocultural behavior (referred to here as a "social radar"), with particular focus on the challenges associated with open source data collection. It also requires robust systems for storing and managing that data, and tools enabling timely, dynamic analysis.
Capabilities for tracking and forecasting change in entities and phenomena of interest along multiple dimensions (time, space, social networks, types of behavior, etc.) through persistent sensing and modeling of the environment.
Armed with historical and real-time data, users can take the next step: to forecast alternative plausible futures by extrapolating from the collected data. The goals are to identify the various paths that behaviors of interest could take, and to estimate the consequences of each for populations of interest. Among the most important needs in this step are large amounts of data, multidisciplinary theory, and hybrid modeling.
Capabilities to develop, prioritize, execute, and measure COAs grounded in the social and behavioral sciences.
The final step in the cycle is to develop and measure the effects of alternative COAs for achieving desired changes. This step builds on all the foregoing ones, and should assist in updating U.S. forces' understanding of the sociocultural behavior terrain, thus continuing the cycle. This step requires education in the use of models for robust decision making, strategic-level theory, integrated systems, decision space visualization, and agile data collection.
Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment (SMA)
National Science Foundation's Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
Air Force Office of Scientific Research Collective Behavior and Socio-Cultural Modeling
Air Force Research Laboratory Human Effectiveness Directorate (RH)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI) Learning and Operating in Culturally Unfamiliar Settings (LOCUS)
U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL)
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC)
Office of Naval Research (ONR) Affordable Human Behavior Modeling (AHBM)
~ + -
Commander's Associate:
This component provides the commander the ability to generate quickly qualitative, coarse-grained COA sketches that the computer can interpret. Sketch to Plan will be multi-modal (both sketching and speech) and interactive. The computer will watch the sketch being drawn and listen for key words that indicate sequence, time, intent, etc. as the commander is creating the sketch. Sketch to Plan will induce both a plan and the commander's intent from the sketch and speech. The Sketch to Plan component must be imbued with enough domain knowledge that it knows what it doesn't know and can ask the user a small set of clarifying questions until it understands the sketch and can use it to initialize a combat model. Finally, the dialog generator helps Sketch to Plan understand the commander's option by formulating clarifying questions when necessary.
~ - i
+ - i
Strong AI is artificial intelligence that matches or exceeds human intelligence — the intelligence of a machine that can successfully perform any intellectual task that a human being can.[1] It is a primary goal of artificial intelligence research and an important topic for science fiction writers and futurists. Strong AI is also referred to as "artificial general intelligence"[2] or as the ability to perform "general intelligent action".[3] Science fiction associates strong AI with such human traits as consciousness, sentience, sapience and self-awareness.
Some references emphasize a distinction between strong AI and "applied AI"[4] (also called "narrow AI"[1] or "weak AI"[5]): the use of software to study or accomplish specific problem solving or reasoning tasks that do not encompass (or in some cases are completely outside of) the full range of human cognitive abilities.
What's a Bot?
In short: A bot is a software tool for digging through data. You give a bot directions and it bring back answers. The word is short for robot of course, which is derived from the Czech word robota meaning work.The idea of robots as humanoid machines was first introduced in Karel Capek's 1921 play "R.U.R.," where the playwright conceived Rossum's Universal Robots. Sci-fi writer Isaac Asimov made them famous, beginning with his story I, Robot (1950) and continuing through a string of books known as the Robot Series (see the Isaac Asimov FAQ - for more details including "The Three Laws of Robotics").
Algebraic form (homogeneous polynomial), which generalises quadratic forms to degrees 3 and more, also known as quantics or simply forms
Bilinear form, on a vector space V over a field F is a mapping V × V → F that is linear in both arguments
Differential form, a concept from differential topology that combines multi linear forms and smooth functions
Indeterminate form, an algebraic expression that cannot be used to evaluate a limit
Modular form, a (complex) analytic function on the upper half plane satisfying a certain kind of functional equation and growth condition
Multilinear form, which generalises bilinear forms to mappings VN → F
Quadratic form, a homogeneous polynomial of degree two in a number of variables
Substantial form
Theory of Forms
Value-form, an approach to understanding the origins of commodity trade and the formation of markets.
~ > Blog > Never-ending-image-learner
Automated Option Generation:
The focus of Deep Green is on tools to help the commander (and staff) generate options quickly. Leaders from the field generally do not want machine-generated courses of action. Nevertheless, under Deep Green, we intend to sponsor a small set of modest efforts to generate options automatically. The long-term vision of Deep Green is for options to be generated by both the commander and the computer. This highlights the need for Sketch to Plan to induce the commander's intent from the free-hand sketches. Any options generated by the computer should feasibly meet the commander's intent.
+ -
APP-6ASymbol | Name | Strength | Constituent units | Commander or leader |
XXXXXX | region, theater | 1,000,000+ | 4+ army groups | general, army general, five star general or field marshal |
XXXXX | army group, front | 250,000+ | 2+ armies | general, army general, five star general or field marshal |
XXXX | army | 60,000–100,000+ | 2–4 corps | general, army general, four star general or colonel general |
XXX | corps | 30,000–80,000 | 2+ divisions | lieutenant general, corps general or three star general |
XX | division | 10,000–20,000 | 2–4 brigades or regiments | major general, divisional general or two star general |
X | brigade | 2000–5000 | 2+ regiments, 3–6 battalions or Commonwealth regiments | brigadier general, brigade general, or one star general(sometimes colonel) |
III | regiment or group | 2000–3000 | 2+ battalions or U.S. Cavalry squadrons | colonel |
II | infantry battalion, U.S. Cavalry squadron, or Commonwealth armoured regiment | 300–1000 | 2–6 companies, batteries, U.S. Cavalry troops, or Commonwealth squadrons | lieutenant colonel |
I | infantry company, artillery battery, U.S. Cavalrytroop, or Commonwealth armour or combat engineering squadron | 70–250 | 2–8 platoons or Commonwealth troops | chief warrant officer, captain ormajor |
••• | platoon or Commonwealth troop | 25–60 | 2+ squads, sections, or vehicles | warrant officer, first or secondlieutenant |
•• | section or patrol | 8–12 | 2+ fireteams | corporal to sergeant |
• | squad or crew | 8–16 | 2+ fireteams or 1+ cell | corporal to staff sergeant |
Ø | fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø | fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
XX |
X |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
regiment or group |
II |
I |
infantry company, artillery battery, U.S. Cavalrytroop, or Commonwealth armour or combat engineering squadron |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
••• |
•• |
• |
squad or crew |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
Sketch to Decide:
When the commander is asked for a decision, Sketch to Decide will allow him/her to explore the future space to gain an appreciation for the ramifications of a choice. Sketch to Decide is designed to allow the user to "see the future," but this capability must be developed with care to prevent confusing the decision space. The abstract nature of the state and the uncertainty of predictions, locations of units, etc. must be portrayed intuitively. At any "frame" in the Sketch to Decide graph, the user can perform Sketch to Plan actions, allowing the commander to conduct "what-if" drills wherever he wants in the future space. By presenting decisions early and allowing the commander to explore the future space, Sketch to Decide supports adaptive execution, allowing the commander to make decisions when they are needed, rather than committing too early.
XX |
X |
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
SimPath is the simulation component of Deep Green. It is used to generate the possible futures that result from a set of plans (one plan for each side/force in the operation). Besides being very fast, SimPath is designed to generate a broad set of possible futures. These futures should be feasible, even if not expected by human users. Over time, SimPath should learn to be a better predictor of possible futures, based on presented options. SimPath identifies branch points, predicts the range of possible outcomes, predicts the likelihood of each outcome, and then continues to simulate along each path/trajectory. This will require an innovative hybrid of qualitative and quantitative technologies.
~ Ball:
During pre-operations planning, Crystal Ball receives options from Sketch to Plan for all sides and forces. Crystal ball assembles the permutations of plans and sends them to SimPath to generate the possible futures that result from each permutation. SimPath returns sub-graphs of possible futures and branch points to Crystal Ball with annotations as to SimPath's a priori estimate of the likelihood of these options. Another function of Crystal Ball is to merge these sub-graphs so the futures that are qualitatively the same (regardless of which permutation of options generated them) are combined. Once the operation is underway, Crystal Ball will get information about the ongoing operation from the battle command systems. Crystal Ball uses this information about the current operation to update the likelihood estimates of the many possible futures. Having done that, Crystal Ball can compare the likelihood, utility, and flexibility and estimate which futures are likely to occur that have little value or flexibility. Crystal Ball will use this estimate to nominate to the commander futures at which he/she should focus some planning effort to build additional options/branches. If the commander reaches a future for which no options have been developed, he/she has been surprised and the enemy is now operating inside his/her decision cycle. Crystal Ball will also use this information and additional heuristics to nominate futures for pruning from the graph and to identify decision points to send to Sketch to Decide. Pruning, however, will not be based purely on likelihood, but also on attributes such as risk to the operation.
+ - Spectrum
HSCB programs are organized into four capabilities, each set feeding into the next and forming a cycle.
+ -Capabilities to support thorough perception and comprehension, grounded in social and behavioral science, of the sociocultural features and dynamics in an operational environment.
The cycle begins with the need to frame the sociocultural structure and dynamics of behavior in a given operational context. To understand at this level means bringing sociocultural theory and concepts to bear to identify the sociocultural features of the terrain that are important to monitor. Understanding is not a single event, and users may constantly need to adapt the initially-applied theories, concepts, and consequent features based on the results of detecting, forecasting, and mitigation. This then initiates a new cycle. This step spans all levels - tactical, operational, and strategic. It requires applied social and behavioral science theory, access to baseline sociocultural data for any given region, descriptive models, and linguistic and sociocultural training.
Capabilities to discover, distinguish, and locate operationally relevant sociocultural signatures through the collection, processing, and analysis of sociocultural behavior data.
Once the defining features of the sociocultural setting are understood, the next steps are to develop a persistent capability to detect sociocultural behavior signals of interest amidst complexity and noise, and to harvest data for analysis. This entails capabilities for ISR in the area of sociocultural behavior (referred to here as a "social radar"), with particular focus on the challenges associated with open source data collection. It also requires robust systems for storing and managing that data, and tools enabling timely, dynamic analysis.
Capabilities for tracking and forecasting change in entities and phenomena of interest along multiple dimensions (time, space, social networks, types of behavior, etc.) through persistent sensing and modeling of the environment.
Armed with historical and real-time data, users can take the next step: to forecast alternative plausible futures by extrapolating from the collected data. The goals are to identify the various paths that behaviors of interest could take, and to estimate the consequences of each for populations of interest. Among the most important needs in this step are large amounts of data, multidisciplinary theory, and hybrid modeling.
Capabilities to develop, prioritize, execute, and measure COAs grounded in the social and behavioral sciences.
The final step in the cycle is to develop and measure the effects of alternative COAs for achieving desired changes. This step builds on all the foregoing ones, and should assist in updating U.S. forces' understanding of the sociocultural behavior terrain, thus continuing the cycle. This step requires education in the use of models for robust decision making, strategic-level theory, integrated systems, decision space visualization, and agile data collection.
Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment (SMA)
National Science Foundation's Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
Air Force Office of Scientific Research Collective Behavior and Socio-Cultural Modeling
Air Force Research Laboratory Human Effectiveness Directorate (RH)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI) Learning and Operating in Culturally Unfamiliar Settings (LOCUS)
U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL)
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC)
Office of Naval Research (ONR) Affordable Human Behavior Modeling (AHBM)
Test areas
~ Orders of magnitude (length)
~ Visualisation + - ~
Survey effects of scale motions with pioneer and voyager type robots, effects of gravity over distence. Probes targeted towards and opposition, to measure velocities and resistences.
+ -
APP-6ASymbol | Name | Strength | Constituent units | Commander or leader |
XXXXXX | region, theater | 1,000,000+ | 4+ army groups | general, army general, five star general or field marshal |
XXXXX | army group, front | 250,000+ | 2+ armies | general, army general, five star general or field marshal |
XXXX | army | 60,000–100,000+ | 2–4 corps | general, army general, four star general or colonel general |
XXX | corps | 30,000–80,000 | 2+ divisions | lieutenant general, corps general or three star general |
XX | division | 10,000–20,000 | 2–4 brigades or regiments | major general, divisional general or two star general |
X | brigade | 2000–5000 | 2+ regiments, 3–6 battalions or Commonwealth regiments | brigadier general, brigade general, or one star general(sometimes colonel) |
III | regiment or group | 2000–3000 | 2+ battalions or U.S. Cavalry squadrons | colonel |
II | infantry battalion, U.S. Cavalry squadron, or Commonwealth armoured regiment | 300–1000 | 2–6 companies, batteries, U.S. Cavalry troops, or Commonwealth squadrons | lieutenant colonel |
I | infantry company, artillery battery, U.S. Cavalrytroop, or Commonwealth armour or combat engineering squadron | 70–250 | 2–8 platoons or Commonwealth troops | chief warrant officer, captain ormajor |
••• | platoon or Commonwealth troop | 25–60 | 2+ squads, sections, or vehicles | warrant officer, first or secondlieutenant |
•• | section or patrol | 8–12 | 2+ fireteams | corporal to sergeant |
• | squad or crew | 8–16 | 2+ fireteams or 1+ cell | corporal to staff sergeant |
Ø | fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø | fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
XX |
X |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
regiment or group |
II |
I |
infantry company, artillery battery, U.S. Cavalrytroop, or Commonwealth armour or combat engineering squadron |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
••• |
•• |
• |
squad or crew |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
SimPath is the simulation component of Deep Green. It is used to generate the possible futures that result from a set of plans (one plan for each side/force in the operation). Besides being very fast, SimPath is designed to generate a broad set of possible futures. These futures should be feasible, even if not expected by human users. Over time, SimPath should learn to be a better predictor of possible futures, based on presented options. SimPath identifies branch points, predicts the range of possible outcomes, predicts the likelihood of each outcome, and then continues to simulate along each path/trajectory. This will require an innovative hybrid of qualitative and quantitative technologies.
~ Ball:
During pre-operations planning, Crystal Ball receives options from Sketch to Plan for all sides and forces. Crystal ball assembles the permutations of plans and sends them to SimPath to generate the possible futures that result from each permutation. SimPath returns sub-graphs of possible futures and branch points to Crystal Ball with annotations as to SimPath's a priori estimate of the likelihood of these options. Another function of Crystal Ball is to merge these sub-graphs so the futures that are qualitatively the same (regardless of which permutation of options generated them) are combined. Once the operation is underway, Crystal Ball will get information about the ongoing operation from the battle command systems. Crystal Ball uses this information about the current operation to update the likelihood estimates of the many possible futures. Having done that, Crystal Ball can compare the likelihood, utility, and flexibility and estimate which futures are likely to occur that have little value or flexibility. Crystal Ball will use this estimate to nominate to the commander futures at which he/she should focus some planning effort to build additional options/branches. If the commander reaches a future for which no options have been developed, he/she has been surprised and the enemy is now operating inside his/her decision cycle. Crystal Ball will also use this information and additional heuristics to nominate futures for pruning from the graph and to identify decision points to send to Sketch to Decide. Pruning, however, will not be based purely on likelihood, but also on attributes such as risk to the operation.
+ - Spectrum
HSCB programs are organized into four capabilities, each set feeding into the next and forming a cycle.
+ -Capabilities to support thorough perception and comprehension, grounded in social and behavioral science, of the sociocultural features and dynamics in an operational environment.
The cycle begins with the need to frame the sociocultural structure and dynamics of behavior in a given operational context. To understand at this level means bringing sociocultural theory and concepts to bear to identify the sociocultural features of the terrain that are important to monitor. Understanding is not a single event, and users may constantly need to adapt the initially-applied theories, concepts, and consequent features based on the results of detecting, forecasting, and mitigation. This then initiates a new cycle. This step spans all levels - tactical, operational, and strategic. It requires applied social and behavioral science theory, access to baseline sociocultural data for any given region, descriptive models, and linguistic and sociocultural training.
Capabilities to discover, distinguish, and locate operationally relevant sociocultural signatures through the collection, processing, and analysis of sociocultural behavior data.
Once the defining features of the sociocultural setting are understood, the next steps are to develop a persistent capability to detect sociocultural behavior signals of interest amidst complexity and noise, and to harvest data for analysis. This entails capabilities for ISR in the area of sociocultural behavior (referred to here as a "social radar"), with particular focus on the challenges associated with open source data collection. It also requires robust systems for storing and managing that data, and tools enabling timely, dynamic analysis.
Capabilities for tracking and forecasting change in entities and phenomena of interest along multiple dimensions (time, space, social networks, types of behavior, etc.) through persistent sensing and modeling of the environment.
Armed with historical and real-time data, users can take the next step: to forecast alternative plausible futures by extrapolating from the collected data. The goals are to identify the various paths that behaviors of interest could take, and to estimate the consequences of each for populations of interest. Among the most important needs in this step are large amounts of data, multidisciplinary theory, and hybrid modeling.
Capabilities to develop, prioritize, execute, and measure COAs grounded in the social and behavioral sciences.
The final step in the cycle is to develop and measure the effects of alternative COAs for achieving desired changes. This step builds on all the foregoing ones, and should assist in updating U.S. forces' understanding of the sociocultural behavior terrain, thus continuing the cycle. This step requires education in the use of models for robust decision making, strategic-level theory, integrated systems, decision space visualization, and agile data collection.
Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment (SMA)
National Science Foundation's Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
Air Force Office of Scientific Research Collective Behavior and Socio-Cultural Modeling
Air Force Research Laboratory Human Effectiveness Directorate (RH)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI) Learning and Operating in Culturally Unfamiliar Settings (LOCUS)
U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL)
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC)
Office of Naval Research (ONR) Affordable Human Behavior Modeling (AHBM)
Test areas
~ Orders of magnitude (length)
~ Visualisation + - ~
Survey effects of scale motions with pioneer and voyager type robots, effects of gravity over distence. Probes targeted towards and opposition, to measure velocities and resistences.
16 minutes, 40 seconds
+ -
APP-6ASymbol | Name | Strength | Constituent units | Commander or leader |
XXXXXX | region, theater | 1,000,000+ | 4+ army groups | general, army general, five star general or field marshal |
XXXXX | army group, front | 250,000+ | 2+ armies | general, army general, five star general or field marshal |
XXXX | army | 60,000–100,000+ | 2–4 corps | general, army general, four star general or colonel general |
XXX | corps | 30,000–80,000 | 2+ divisions | lieutenant general, corps general or three star general |
XX | division | 10,000–20,000 | 2–4 brigades or regiments | major general, divisional general or two star general |
X | brigade | 2000–5000 | 2+ regiments, 3–6 battalions or Commonwealth regiments | brigadier general, brigade general, or one star general(sometimes colonel) |
III | regiment or group | 2000–3000 | 2+ battalions or U.S. Cavalry squadrons | colonel |
II | infantry battalion, U.S. Cavalry squadron, or Commonwealth armoured regiment | 300–1000 | 2–6 companies, batteries, U.S. Cavalry troops, or Commonwealth squadrons | lieutenant colonel |
I | infantry company, artillery battery, U.S. Cavalrytroop, or Commonwealth armour or combat engineering squadron | 70–250 | 2–8 platoons or Commonwealth troops | chief warrant officer, captain ormajor |
••• | platoon or Commonwealth troop | 25–60 | 2+ squads, sections, or vehicles | warrant officer, first or secondlieutenant |
•• | section or patrol | 8–12 | 2+ fireteams | corporal to sergeant |
• | squad or crew | 8–16 | 2+ fireteams or 1+ cell | corporal to staff sergeant |
Ø | fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø | fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
XX |
X |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
regiment or group |
II |
I |
infantry company, artillery battery, U.S. Cavalrytroop, or Commonwealth armour or combat engineering squadron |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
••• |
•• |
• |
squad or crew |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
+ -
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
Ø |
fireteam | 4–5 | n/a | lance corporal to sergeant |
Ø |
fire and maneuver team | 2 | n/a | any/private first class |
16 minutes, 40 seconds
11.6 days
31.558 years
Memory management and
resource protection
Storage access and
file systems
+ - Fynder
+ - i
Strong AI is artificial intelligence that matches or exceeds human intelligence — the intelligence of a machine that can successfully perform any intellectual task that a human being can.[1] It is a primary goal of artificial intelligence research and an important topic for science fiction writers and futurists. Strong AI is also referred to as "artificial general intelligence"[2] or as the ability to perform "general intelligent action".[3] Science fiction associates strong AI with such human traits as consciousness, sentience, sapience and self-awareness.
Some references emphasize a distinction between strong AI and "applied AI"[4] (also called "narrow AI"[1] or "weak AI"[5]): the use of software to study or accomplish specific problem solving or reasoning tasks that do not encompass (or in some cases are completely outside of) the full range of human cognitive abilities.
What's a Bot?
In short: A bot is a software tool for digging through data. You give a bot directions and it bring back answers. The word is short for robot of course, which is derived from the Czech word robota meaning work.The idea of robots as humanoid machines was first introduced in Karel Capek's 1921 play "R.U.R.," where the playwright conceived Rossum's Universal Robots. Sci-fi writer Isaac Asimov made them famous, beginning with his story I, Robot (1950) and continuing through a string of books known as the Robot Series (see the Isaac Asimov FAQ - for more details including "The Three Laws of Robotics").
Algebraic form (homogeneous polynomial), which generalises quadratic forms to degrees 3 and more, also known as quantics or simply forms
Bilinear form, on a vector space V over a field F is a mapping V × V → F that is linear in both arguments
Differential form, a concept from differential topology that combines multi linear forms and smooth functions
Indeterminate form, an algebraic expression that cannot be used to evaluate a limit
Modular form, a (complex) analytic function on the upper half plane satisfying a certain kind of functional equation and growth condition
Multilinear form, which generalises bilinear forms to mappings VN → F
Quadratic form, a homogeneous polynomial of degree two in a number of variables
Substantial form
Theory of Forms
Value-form, an approach to understanding the origins of commodity trade and the formation of markets.